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Meetings & Announcements

December Photoshoot

Date: 14 December 2024 @ 4pm

  • Meet at the Texas Theater in Kilgore for the photo shoot

  • At 6:30pm meet at Venecia's Italian Kitchen to eat together

Next Meeting Date, Program & Theme

Date: 09 January 2025

Program:  The Basics of using an AI Image Generation System - Alan Roberts

Theme Submission:  Christmas Lights (Photo MUST be taken since the November meeting).

To download Minutes of the NOVEMBER meeting click HERE.

Regular Meeting Location

Meeting Location:

The Masonic Lodge,

1329 East 5th Street,

Tyler, TX 75701

Overflow parking is available at the Boy Scouts of America Building next door on the East side of the Lodge.

Monthly Photo Submission Requirements:

We have two categories, Club Theme & PSA.

A maximum of 2 images may be submitted each month, being only ONE  Theme and/or ONE  PSA.


Editing may be done as desired and the only rule that applies is that if you create a composite image, all images used in the composite must have been taken by you. We also ask that, at the club meeting, members briefly explain editing techniques they used to help other members grow in their photographic journey.

NOTE: Photo submission SIZE specifications for Club Theme & PSA are now the SAME

NOTE: Photo naming conventions differ slightly between Club Theme & PSA submissions

Club Theme Photo Submission Information

  • Unless otherwise noted, Theme photo must have been taken SINCE the last meeting. This is to encourage members to go out and use their cameras.

  • Photo must be in jpg format.

  • Photo must be in sRGB color space

  • Resolution must be 300ppi

  • If in Landscape / Horizontal format: 1400 pixels wide

  • If in Portrait / Vertical or Square format: 1050 pixels in height

  • Image must be named as follows: Your Name - Theme - Your Title.jpg

  • Theme photos must be submitted to Danny Pickens at

  • Submissions are due each SUNDAY NIGHT, that occurs BEFORE the Thursday meeting.

Requirements for PSA Submission

  • PSA photos may have been taken at any time.

  • PSA photos have three skill levels which you choose based on your skill.

  • PSA Skill Levels:

    • Entry Level - You are still learning basic photography skills. How to use your camera, how to get a proper exposure, how to compose a photo. You have entered very few if any competitions and haven't placed any competitions.

    • Intermediate - You are fairly comfortable with your camera and can use Manual mode if you choose. You may be just starting to sell your photos or enter competitions. You may have placed in a competition.

    • Advanced - You are confident with your photography skills. You sell or have sold your images and/or you have entered many competitions. You have placed in more than one competition.

  • Following are PSA requirements for the Open submission:

    • Photo must be in jpg format.

    • Photo must be in sRGB color space

    • Resolution must be 300ppi

    • If in Landscape / Horizontal format: 1400 pixels wide

    • If in Portrait / Vertical or Square format: 1050 pixels in height

    • Image must be named as follows: Your Level - Your Name - Your Title.jpg
    • PSA  photos are submitted to Fritz Fryer at:

    • Photos are due by midnight, on the 15th of each month

Past Meetings - 2024

11 January

Program: Photos Converted to Art - Deborah Coker.

Theme: Christmas

08 February

Program:  Shoot the Sun - by Cliff Mckenzie

Theme Submission:  Love

14 March

Program:  "Ask us anything" - a panel discussion

Theme Submission:  Open

11 April

Program:  Cellphone Photography - Larry Golden

Theme Submission:  Open

11 May

Program:  Have Camera Will Travel - Cliff Burke

Theme Submission:  "Wild Flowers"

13 June

Program:  Back Porch Photography - Jim Hodge

Theme Submission:  "Solar" May have been taken in the last three months.

11 July

Program:  Annual Club Print Competition

No theme Submission

08 August

Program:  No program since our presenter was unable to attend the meeting

Theme Submission:  Still Life

12 September

Program:  "Seven Things You Need To Know" by Cliff McKenzie

Theme Submission:  Travel Photography

10 October

Program:  "Sports Photography" by Jim Jackson

Theme Submission:  Cellphone Photography

14 November

Program:  Using a Circular Polarizing Filter by Cliff McKenzie

Theme Submission:  Open

Copy of Advanced-Dolph Miller-Idle Hands_edited.jpg
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